City of Puyallup WSU Lid Frontage Improvements

The City of Puyallup WSU Lid Frontage Improvements project is a Spiralnail Truss wall, and multiple gabion walls. The Spiralnail Truss wall is 3,156 SF of Truss, and 177 Spiralnails.  The gabion walls consist of 830 CY of ArtWeld Gabions.  The walls were constructed in 2021 by Reed Trucking and Excavating, Inc.  The Spiralnail Truss Wall was designed by Cesaretti Engineered Solutions, and all walls are owned by the City of Puyallup.

Wall Type:
ArtWeld Gabions
Wire Type:
Owner Type:
Wall Height:
Under 30'
Wall Size:
Under 5000 SF
47.19022, -122.330068