Welded Wire Wall + Panels =

    2-Stage Construction

Eureka Reinforced Soil

Similar in concept and construction to the Welded Wire Wall, but with the addition of concrete panels at the wall face, offering all the advantages of two-stage construction.

The ERS system can be utilized to accommodate poor foundations that cause differential settlement within the wall, or simply for aesthetics when a certain full-height architectural pattern fascia is required.


Cast-in-Place (CIP) Concrete Panels


Stage 1:  Form anchors are installed in a specific size and pattern as the wall is erected, to accommodate the desired facing form system and pour rates.  

Stage 2:  Upon wall completion and any required settlement period, the reinforcing steel and forming system are erected utilizing the previously installed form anchors, then a 6”-8” thick fascia is poured and stripped.  

Sample Panel Anchors


Precast Full-Height Concrete Panels


Stage 1:  Typically two connection brackets are provided at the top of each panel and the associated panel anchor placed in appropriate locations during wall installation.  

Stage 2:  Upon wall completion and any required settlement period, the precast panels are lifted into place and secured to the wire-faced MSE wall.

Sample Panel Anchors


Other Finishes


The E.R.S. can also just be treated with a blown mortar (shotcrete) finish, sculpted shotcrete, or natural rock facing.