Meeker Colorado Mine Crusher Wall

The Meeker Colorado Mine Crusher Wall was built in 2018 by EarthTech West Ltd, and was designed by Jepsen Engineering.

Wall Details:

•    Welded Wire Wall (four angle points)
•    Maximum Wall Height of 80’
•    Maximum Mat Length of 58.25’
•    Loads: 750 PSF for a Komatsu 830E-Mine Haul Truck
•    30- year design life – Hot- Dipped Galvanized
•    13,296 SF (Crusher Wall) 2,336 SF (Wing Walls)

Wall Type:
Welded Wire Wall
Wire Type:
Owner Type:
Wall Height:
Over 30'
Wall Size:
Over 5000 SF
40.2971391, -107.799205